Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Something a little different! And GOAL MET!

This was SO my motto today!
Today was a little bit different. I had a run scheduled for 5:30am, but I also had a big test in my nursing theory class...a test that I did not feel prepared for! So while I got up at 5:30 (which is getting easier by the way), I spent my wee hours studying. I was a little bummed I didn't run since my last run was Saturday. But with school, I have to be flexible and know when to spend a little more time on it (at the expense of other things/people).

That being said, my test went good! Not great...but good and I am happy with that! After a long day of lectures, I got home and I wasn't totally wiped out, so I immediately changed into running clothes so I was ready. My phone was nearly dead so I plugged it in to charge so I would be able to use my trainer app. In the meantime I helped kids with homework, reunited with my sweet husband, vacuumed, etc.

Around 5:30, our oldest son needed picked up from basketball, so after doing that, I got my run in! Woop! I'm proud of myself for working in a run in a time of day that is not typical for me.

Here was the workout rundown:
10:00, 10:00 per mile...1.00 mile
10:00, 9:30 per mile.....1.05 miles
10:00, 9:00 per mile.....1.11 miles
10:00, 8:40 per mile.....1.15 miles
5:00, 8:20 per mil.........0.6 mile

Grand Total:.................4.91 (painfully shy of 5!)

(Credit to the Pace Calculator. I swear I use this page several times a week!)

This workout was hard! The last 15 minutes especially were a real mental workout! There were times where I really wanted to quit. I kept thinking of my mantras...they are pretty simple really. "Don't EVER Quit." "You ARE strong!" "This is how you get faster!" "You can do this!" and just for good measure, "Kara Goucher doesn't quit! Neither will you!"

Style/Workout: 45 minute tempo run
Setting/Route: Treadmill, garage (when I am doing a pace-centered workout, the treadmill is just easiest)
Mileage: 4.91 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 4.91 today/62.93 this month/ 62.93 year-to-date (I'm really gunning for 60 miles this month...I HAVE MET MY GOAL!!!)

So today marks finishing Week 4 of marathon training! And I met my goal of 60+ miles for the month! I wonder if I can squeeze just one more run in before the month is over...

So the moral of the story is this...just because you don't get your "scheduled" run in don't lose heart...another opportunity may present itself later in the day :)

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