Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Speed Work/Weights

Run: 3 miles, 2 increments, speedwork
Location: Treadmill (blah!)
Run Time (if applicable): Did not time myself
Run Start: 8:05 am
Temperature:  regular room temp
Weather: N/A


I am sick of contending with icky weather. Whether it is freezing or drizzling or I get poured on. I was just fed up with it today so I immediately dressed for the gym/treadmill. Funny thing was that the weather was quite mild, just cloudy and cold with peaking sun from time to time. But I still used the treadmill instead and tried something new. Here was my workout:

3 miles on the treadmill turned into 1.5 miles because my shins were taking a beating. Then I went ahead and did some weight training which felt really great. Then I felt like I had it in me to finish the 3 miles so I did another 1.5 miles.

So while at first I thought I would not finish my entire 3 miles I had scheduled, breaking it up was great because it became a sort of speed workout. The first 1.5 miles were at a brisk 8:30 pace. The weights in the middle exhausted my muscles, so the faster pace (around 8 minute miles) for the remaining 1.5 miles felt really, really tough. I considered it "last stretch" training.

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