Monday, March 23, 2015

Rock Yoga

Today I did something different. It was my day off (yay!) so I decided I wanted to carve out some time in my morning to get out in nature. I drove a few minutes to our favorite park and I hiked for 30 minutes to warm up my body then I did about 40 minutes of yoga on the rocks. It was fun! I found something interesting about myself though...I am kind of terrified of inversions that have me looking up into the infinite sky. I feel like I am going to fall into it...kind of an interesting version of acrophobia. I coped with it by looking in small doses and closing my eyes the other times. It was just a great time. Sunshine all around, a great breeze going, and it feel so freeing to be outside enjoying it all. And I was practically alone which is therapeutic for me.

My Happy Place-

I always thought this was called half moon pose just with a variation but it has a name! Sugarcane Pose R

Sugarcane Pose L

Forward Fold, Uttanasana...I need to do these for days to relax my tight hamstrings

Hero Pose with hands at heart center
Working on Lizard...but the picture makes me look like I have no L leg! You have to look closely to see it is up by my L arm
 (sorry for the butt shots in my triangle poses...that was not on purpose!)
Triangle L, Trikonasana

Triangle R

Revolved Triangle L, Parivrtta Trikonasana

Revolved Triangle R
Compass pose...this one is one of my least favorite (which means it is one I need to practice most!). It challenges my tight hips and feels very unnatural to me at this point. Maybe if I keep working on it, it will start to feel a bit more natural.
Compass R

Compass L

Flying crow with my head down to anchor. I need to work on my arm balances. This one is hard!!

Seated Forward Split
So now that I am back home, it's time to get cleaned up for the day, then I get to pick my son up from school and do other normal daily things. I hope it is also sunny wherever you are too!

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