Friday, May 29, 2015

Sometimes Location Matters

We've lived in San Diego now for just shy of 2 years. It's hard to believe but it's flying by! I can truly say we are making the most of it and experiencing a lot! Related to staying active, living here has made exercise super easy (and fun). When I am not going on runs (easy fallback), I'm hiking near my house, taking awesome yoga classes, and now surfing. I get to bicycle with my husband from time to time too. The great thing? It's all super fun! I actually enjoy getting out there, and look forward to my next adventure. That's the great thing about it, these options for exercise are energizing my spirit, not just my body.

While we lived in Seaside, OR I feel like I stepped out and tried different activities, but it was cold and rainy a lot so I didn't get to do as much outside as here, and I certainly wasn't as enthusiastic about getting outside.

So far this week has been:

3-mile run plus yoga at home
SUP session with a friend
4-mile run
4-mile mountain climb hike
2 hour surf session

My body feels better than it has in years!

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