Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Four Sunshiney Miles

Basic stats...shared on Facebook because it went well. No, I don't share my bad ones on  Facebook...who does?? LOL
Today's run rocked! I was really hoping so too because Mondays' run was just so-so, and because my annoying calf/shin thing has been peaking it's annoying little head out. The run went awesome. I aimed for 4 miles, and didn't expect to make it a Race Pace run, but right as I started I thought, let's aim for 8:30 splits, much like I would ideally like to reach in my next half marathon. Not gonna lie, it was tough! 

Splits! This also show my "Acceleration" race personality
Man, I'm not sure if 8:30 per mile is too tough for a full 13.1 miles. I know I will reach that eventually though. I will aim for it this weekend for sure and work hard, even if it hurts. It will be over faster that way too ;)

I like the Nike+GPS analyzation tools like this one above^^^ It's cool how it shows you your diversions and averages. The blue line is pace, the green is altitude. 

This was a great run. I started out smooth, and with a headwind, but I powered through and got to turn back and it all felt good. Smooth and good. My cadence was like a song in my head (especially since I STILL haven't replaced my earbuds...)

View along my route
 Last little run detail that I can't help smiling about...along my route, I passed people walking here and there. There is a cruise ship docked so lots of tourists in town. Well I passed a couple walking and after I had gotten ahead a bit I overheard the man say, "Wow, yeah she's really going fast..." I couldn't help but smile. 

Today I finally bought some Smart Water. I like it so much better than Gatorade! I usually buy Propel which is ok, but still has flavor. Smart Water is ideal because I'd like to be drinking water more than anything else, but this includes the much-needed electrolytes as well, so your blood doesn't get too hypotonic.

Smart Water...simple, effective.
I'm getting so excited for the Portland Rock n Roll Half Marathon THIS SUNDAY! I received and printed all of the waivers and info I need. We're camping (with our travel trailer) the night before at Champoeg State Park. We'll have to head up earlier because I'm hoping to stop in at REI and use our rebate to get some goodies for the race. We also want to get to the Expo of course! Then it will just be carbo-loading and getting some rest!

Also...I just heard the news that Kara Goucher will be the headliner in this race! You don't know how excited that makes me! I am inspired by/jealous of this amazing woman (who is from Portland) who seems to make it all look easy! Who wouldn't be? Running is her job! How cool, plus she's headed to the London Olympics this summer. It would be quite thrilling for me to get a photo with her! I would LOVE to have her autograph my race bib!

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