Friday, June 13, 2014

Milestone and such

Sometime late last week or early this week I was working on some of my PT exercises at home and I discovered that I can do a single-leg calf raise on my L side! This was an amazing accomplishment and quite a milestone showing the strength of my calf coming back!

Not so much a milestone, but this week I also learned that you can cut your incision scar pretty good shaving, thanks to the lack of feeling in that area. I never thought about it too much before but was always careful. I had pulled out a brand new razor though and oops!

Lastly today's run was a killer! I set out for my 5K loop and did shorter run/walk intervals because my left lower leg was just burning like crazy. It reminded me of the time I tried wearing CEP compression socks on a run. That being said, I fought through the run. As I was headed down the home stretch, I checked my app and I had only made about 2.5 miles. Bummer! I had forgotten the very first 1/2-mile loop in the route. Oh well it was a tough run and I accomplished a 10:39 pace!

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