Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 3 Post Op

Day 3! My recovery is coming along. I can now hobble around without crutches if I want to and the doctor said I can put as much pressure on my foot as I am comfortable, within the limits of pain. I still have my crutches nearby, but for the most part (at least this morning), I am doing ok without them.
My splint-cast! Today was nice and warm so I got to wear shorts...which made getting dressed much easier.
I take several breaks throughout the day and sit and read or lay down and rest. I have a million options for things to do around here with an entire household to take care of, but I have been taking it easy. It's amazing what you can go without doing and it doesn't really matter that much. I am taking Naproxen-an anti-inflammatory-twice a day. I discovered on my first night that I DO NOT like Percoset. It makes me loopy and while it numbed the pain and such, it kept me from sleeping. Today I also had my first BM since surgery and I must say, I should have taken a stool softener. Your GI habits are not to be ignored after surgery. I know this better than most and I simply forgot. This morning I woke and realized that I had not gone since surgery and figured it would not be a pleasant experience. It wasn't. But from here on out it should be a breeze.

On a side note, my sweet hubby brought home a new kitten for our family on Saturday. We named her Ysabel and she is 4 months old. Our previous cat that we loved dearly was killed back in November (we think by a large owl) and we have been talking about bringing another cat into our lives. He found Ysabel at a shelter and apparently she was scheduled to be euthanized in just a week! So she is a rescue, and she is the sweetest thing. She has been just the diversion that I needed in this time of recovery, while life is slower and I can't do as much running around and staying busy.

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