Saturday, February 2, 2013

Add it to My Top 5 Best Ever!!

February is starting out awesome! 
Such a great sandwich, I had to Instagram it!
Yesterday was a good day. I got a lot of studying in, had a GREAT lunch ^^^ and then later had AWESOME sushi with the hubby for date night. We had gone over to Cannon Beach, just one of my favorite special places. I really need to go there more often. The atmosphere alone makes it a very special place. February was starting out great!

Last night I went back and forth about what my workout would be today. I am pretty much on track, just one day behind the app schedule, which is ok because I started it a handful of days early so I would have some wiggle room. As for my own workout schedule, I've missed a workout or maybe two when I was super busy but for the most part, training is moving forward! So at some point I stopped contemplating and just decided to take advantage of it being Saturday by getting up early and going for a great long run. I did a good job of hydrating last night. 

I'm really documenting the details surrounding this run because it went awesome! I would like to duplicate it more often ;)

Style/Workout: 1:40:00 minute long run
Setting/Route: All over Seaside!
Mileage: 11.3 miles!
Progress: (running mileage): 11.3 today/11.3 this month/ 74.23 year-to-date (February Goal: 65 miles)

I got up early like I had planned, but I wasn't excited about it. My husband had to go to a conference in Portland this morning and he is not a quiet early-waker. He turns lights on, leaves the bathroom door open as he showers...ugh he is so loud. But...I have to thank him because it kind of forced me up around 6:45 on a Saturday and I headed down for coffee and some whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana.

By 7:30 I was out and ready for my run. Today I wore a tech shirt and my running tights, little black gloves and a running ball cap in preparation for the sun that was rising! I probably should have worn a long-sleeved tech shirt, but I can't stand not being able to thread my headphones under my shirt! One of these days I will pony up and buy a long-sleeve that has the little hole meant for that. I also brought my Amphipod for hydration and a SunRipe Squiggles fruit twist (stole it from my kids' lunch stash!). I slathered some sunscreen on my face, started my app and I was off! 

Mile 1: I just eased into it...Necanicum-12th St-Prom (Turnaround). I felt really great, so I had to mentally slow myself down so I would not wear myself out!
Mile 2: Finished up the Prom, headed to The Cove, which was gorgeous this morning!! Lots of surfers out and why the heck not?

Miles 3 & 4: The Cove neighborhoods to the Golf Course
Mile 5: E on Ave U to Hwy 101, N on Hwy 101 to Avenue S

Mile 6: I took this Dead End Extension of Wahana just to add road and here I started to have the urge to use the restroom! I think I may start carrying some biodegradable wipes because I am not above ducking into the woods when there is no other option! It was a bummer because the whole rest of my body was feeling great!! It is tough to run when you feel like you are going to poop yourself. Sorry, just being real!  I hit Mile 6 right as I turned to head to Providence Hospital. I paused my workout as I entered through the Emergency entrance to use the restroom. It was kind of ironic because I was kind of having an emergency...a bathroom emergency! 
Miles 7 & 8: Back on the road, feeling good again. I did a "back woods" loop here that I enjoy to add road. Here I ate half of a Squiggles fruit twist. I had been sipping water every mile or so with my Amphipod. I thought it might be annoying to carry, but after the first .5 mile I didn't even notice it anymore thanks to the ergonomic shape. It was actually quite comforting to know I had water with me. I was surprised to be feeling so great! My form was good, I had not had trouble with side-aches (something I feel plagued with), and my legs felt strong still. I smiled a lot this run.
Mile 9: I continued N on Wahana, passing my friend Megan's house and my church. Then I turned S on Hwy 101 and ran along until it was safe to cross onto 24th Ave and head toward Holladay. As I passed the high school, and the neat little estuary view point, I was surprised to still be feeling so great! I ate the rest of the fruit twist here and started to pump up my pace for a strong finish.
Mile 10: Wow! Mile 10? I was still feeling strong. Just as I hit 1st and Holladay, Sonja Richards Ross told me I was almost to my goal! So it was time to head toward my house and keep up the pace!
Mile 11: Right around mile 11, I finished my 1:40:00, but instead of stop, I just kept running until I got the .3 rest of the way to my house. Every little bit helps, right?

My "finish line" view by my house
It is such a satisfying feeling to have had a great run! My last one was tough, and I think it boils down to two important things: fuel and hydration. I know where the water fountains are around town, the bathrooms too. But anything longer than 6 miles, I really need to be bringing water and fuel along with me. Just the small fruit twist I brought and the 8 oz of water made a HUGE difference! I think the fact that I can take small sips all the way is a big help.

Pretty good splits! I averaged about 9:05 per mile. Booya! It feels great to be running a faster pace and feeling good!
When I got home, I was tiiiiired. But I showered, rolled out my muscles (yowzers!) and ate a bowl of cereal. The tightness is really setting in at this point (noon). I am going to be cursing my stairs all day, I just know it... But it was well worth it!

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