Thursday, February 16, 2012

Redemption Run

Run: 5.46 miles
Location: Astoria High School Track
Run Time (if applicable): 46:01, 8:25 splits
Run Start: 8:05 am
Temperature: 50-ish degrees
Weather: Clouds, drizzle


After yesterday I quickly came to the realization that I was going to have to be more flexible with my body. I usually do a pretty good job of listening to my body while running but since I haven't come up against too many problems this go around, I was thrown for a loop a bit when Aunt Flo knocked me on my butt. I was so bummed that it would affect me for several days each month. Well today I found redemption!

While I can anticipate that Aunt Flo very well may give me multiple challenging days per month, today was not one of them! I had to drop our Excursion off for some servicing at the Ford Dealership, just down the road from the high school. The counter service guy told me the servicing was an estimated 45 min-1 hour wait, and I said it was ok, I was just going to go for a run. His expression was so I was NUTS! Haha!!

In the interest of a cautious run, I planned on 3-4 miles, slower paced, and on the track so I could bail out if I started to feel icky. After 5 bouncy minutes on the track, I upped my goal to running for an hour because I was so jazzed that I felt good. In the end, I talked myself down to a reasonable 45 minutes in the interest of not overdoing it. I set my Nike+ on 'Time' setting for the first time and it was cool to hear Lolo's voice gently alert me every 5 minutes that passed.

I was properly outfitted today in case I got stuck in a downpour which felt so great! I was not intimidated by the weather one bit! It only drizzled though.

But the magic happened around 30 minutes into my run. I turned the corner and lifted my eyes forward (I am  really working on keeping my chin up for correct form), and two deer strolled right in front of TEN FEET!! They just stood there, unintimidated by me. It was the most amazing sight! I have seen deer before, this is the third time while running actually. But this was just awesome. I stood there dumbfounded, jaw-dropped, just staring. Then they pranced on forward and I couldn't stop smiling. How cool was that?

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