Friday, May 29, 2015


Don't be too afraid to try something you feel is out of reach! If you never try, you'll never know! The worst than can happen is that you'll fail...and even then you will be glad you tried!

Sometimes Location Matters

We've lived in San Diego now for just shy of 2 years. It's hard to believe but it's flying by! I can truly say we are making the most of it and experiencing a lot! Related to staying active, living here has made exercise super easy (and fun). When I am not going on runs (easy fallback), I'm hiking near my house, taking awesome yoga classes, and now surfing. I get to bicycle with my husband from time to time too. The great thing? It's all super fun! I actually enjoy getting out there, and look forward to my next adventure. That's the great thing about it, these options for exercise are energizing my spirit, not just my body.

While we lived in Seaside, OR I feel like I stepped out and tried different activities, but it was cold and rainy a lot so I didn't get to do as much outside as here, and I certainly wasn't as enthusiastic about getting outside.

So far this week has been:

3-mile run plus yoga at home
SUP session with a friend
4-mile run
4-mile mountain climb hike
2 hour surf session

My body feels better than it has in years!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Newest Hobby!

Well it only took me 16 years but I finally realized a dream of mine...learning to surf! I'm not half bad at it either! I have gone out three times so far and two of those were a private lesson. It's a blast and I'm fully hooked.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Colorful Pants Yoga

I did quite a bit of yoga tonight but you'd never know because my camera was being finicky! That's ok :)
Working on some "flying bird" poses
This one turned out more like a flying crow...

...while L side turned out to be more of a Flying Pigeon pose Eka Pada Galavasana

Legs up the wall-and I love my new pants! They remind me of a stained-glass window

Working on King Cobra
 Working on Pincha Mayurasana using the wall for stability. Later I used my strap to keep my elbows more parallel

What the heck have I been up to?

Well as my last post recounts, I finished the La Jolla Half last Sunday! Woohoo! I also celebrated my 34th birthday and my husband bought me a stand-up paddle board. Man does it work the core and arms! And...I finally tried out the new Reach Yoga studio that I bought a Groupon for and took an awesome hot yoga class! I'm SOLD on hot yoga! I have also squeezed in a post-half-marathon run in this week. Loving the sun, water, surf, etc. San Diego is awesome!

La Jolla Half Marathon

Life has been busy, but I managed to finish the second race in the Triple Crown Series!

La Jolla Half Marathon is a beast! So many hills, including the famous Torrey Pines hill. I finished in 2:20. Not my slowest half, but definitely not my fastest! I stuck with a kind stranger runner for the first 10 miles but after that she caught up with a runner who was not fading like I was at that point. I am not fast on downhills and at that point there was a looooooooong downhill. But for the most part I felt much better about my overall physical fitness during this race than the Carlsbad Half in January.

Half Marathon #7 in the books!