Weight check: 139.8, oh yeah! Woop!! I have never thought of losing weight as easy, but (and don't hate me for saying it) losing this holiday weight has been surprisingly easy. I think maybe I'm just so busy I don't think about eating all day long. That helps!
Also, its time to tally January's mileage..62.93! Not bad! So my goal for next month is simply to beat that number...even if it is just 5 miles over!
Welcome to my blog! This blog began as the day-to-day experience of my journey to run 1000 miles in the year 2012. Gradually this blog has become a journal of a variety of active things I love!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
It's 11:00 and...I have some analogies :)
I'm on the internet still. I have been up since 4:30 am, drove to clinicals, then skills lab after that, drove home, immediately got to work on a recent important assignment, took a break to eat dinner and watch the end of Friday Night Lights with my boys before I got back to it. The cool thing is that I got it done! One step closer to finishing nursing school! That's just going to have to be how I look at these things from now on. Every challenging assignment, every tough day, even every failure is a chance to make myself better, work a little harder, and before I know it I will be graduating.
It's kind of like training for a target race. You put in the work, keep at it even through the sucky days and workout-by-workout, before you know it, you surprise yourself and accomplish something amazing!
I am always pleased when I see parallels between my running life and another area of my life. Let me tell you about yesterday...yesterday was tough. I have been trying to keep my head above water while in school, stay motivated to dig deep and study/read even when I'm tired all while not losing my mind...you know the usual ;) But the stresses of home have gotten to me lately and I submitted aforementioned assignment totally incomplete and way off track. It was so lame I have to do it over. It was a serious bummer, I'm not going to lie. It was like flushing hours down the toilet, because even that lame assignment took lots of time. But instead of dwelling on my failed attempt, I gave myself 15 minutes to have a cry-baby-whiner moment. Then when it was over, I straightened my shoulders, wiped the tears from my cheeks and got a latte at Starbucks. I pulled on my big girl panties and came back fighting. By the time I drove home, I was ready to get plugging on the replacement assignment. And today, I was determined to have an awesome day. I ended up having the best day today thanks to that attitude! Instead of letting a bad day get me down, or worse, throw me into a panic (Ahhh! Am I gonna fail? blah blah blah...), I shook it off and moved forward, confident that my mistakes and failures don't define me.
I really have running to thank for the inner strength I managed to find this week. My old self a few years ago probably would have really taken the pooped-on assignment personally after puting so much work into it. But that didn't happen! The moment literally took me back to really hard runs where I thought I might puke my guts out, or where I was around mile 10, about to hit the wall but somehow found the strength to push past it and finish strong.
In the end, wallowing in failure and mistakes doesn't do anyone any good. After all, we are all bound to make mistakes, because that's life! If we stay there, and sit in the muck of our failure, it will start to consume us, then after a while, we will start to carry it around as if it kind of defines us. It will start to become an unhealthy influence for future decisions and might make us afraid to fail again so we don't take chances even when they could have amazing results. Or...we can realize how strong we really are...
and bust through that wall and come out stronger on the other side :)
It's kind of like training for a target race. You put in the work, keep at it even through the sucky days and workout-by-workout, before you know it, you surprise yourself and accomplish something amazing!
I am always pleased when I see parallels between my running life and another area of my life. Let me tell you about yesterday...yesterday was tough. I have been trying to keep my head above water while in school, stay motivated to dig deep and study/read even when I'm tired all while not losing my mind...you know the usual ;) But the stresses of home have gotten to me lately and I submitted aforementioned assignment totally incomplete and way off track. It was so lame I have to do it over. It was a serious bummer, I'm not going to lie. It was like flushing hours down the toilet, because even that lame assignment took lots of time. But instead of dwelling on my failed attempt, I gave myself 15 minutes to have a cry-baby-whiner moment. Then when it was over, I straightened my shoulders, wiped the tears from my cheeks and got a latte at Starbucks. I pulled on my big girl panties and came back fighting. By the time I drove home, I was ready to get plugging on the replacement assignment. And today, I was determined to have an awesome day. I ended up having the best day today thanks to that attitude! Instead of letting a bad day get me down, or worse, throw me into a panic (Ahhh! Am I gonna fail? blah blah blah...), I shook it off and moved forward, confident that my mistakes and failures don't define me.
I really have running to thank for the inner strength I managed to find this week. My old self a few years ago probably would have really taken the pooped-on assignment personally after puting so much work into it. But that didn't happen! The moment literally took me back to really hard runs where I thought I might puke my guts out, or where I was around mile 10, about to hit the wall but somehow found the strength to push past it and finish strong.
In the end, wallowing in failure and mistakes doesn't do anyone any good. After all, we are all bound to make mistakes, because that's life! If we stay there, and sit in the muck of our failure, it will start to consume us, then after a while, we will start to carry it around as if it kind of defines us. It will start to become an unhealthy influence for future decisions and might make us afraid to fail again so we don't take chances even when they could have amazing results. Or...we can realize how strong we really are...
and bust through that wall and come out stronger on the other side :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Something a little different! And GOAL MET!
This was SO my motto today! |
That being said, my test went good! Not great...but good and I am happy with that! After a long day of lectures, I got home and I wasn't totally wiped out, so I immediately changed into running clothes so I was ready. My phone was nearly dead so I plugged it in to charge so I would be able to use my trainer app. In the meantime I helped kids with homework, reunited with my sweet husband, vacuumed, etc.
Around 5:30, our oldest son needed picked up from basketball, so after doing that, I got my run in! Woop! I'm proud of myself for working in a run in a time of day that is not typical for me.
Here was the workout rundown:
10:00, 10:00 per mile...1.00 mile
10:00, 9:30 per mile.....1.05 miles
10:00, 9:00 per mile.....1.11 miles
10:00, 8:40 per mile.....1.15 miles
5:00, 8:20 per mil.........0.6 mile
Grand Total:.................4.91 (painfully shy of 5!)
(Credit to the Pace Calculator. I swear I use this page several times a week!)
This workout was hard! The last 15 minutes especially were a real mental workout! There were times where I really wanted to quit. I kept thinking of my mantras...they are pretty simple really. "Don't EVER Quit." "You ARE strong!" "This is how you get faster!" "You can do this!" and just for good measure, "Kara Goucher doesn't quit! Neither will you!"
Style/Workout: 45 minute tempo run
Setting/Route: Treadmill, garage (when I am doing a pace-centered workout, the treadmill is just easiest)
Mileage: 4.91 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 4.91 today/62.93 this month/ 62.93 year-to-date (I'm really gunning for 60 miles this month...I HAVE MET MY GOAL!!!)
So today marks finishing Week 4 of marathon training! And I met my goal of 60+ miles for the month! I wonder if I can squeeze just one more run in before the month is over...
So the moral of the story is this...just because you don't get your "scheduled" run in don't lose heart...another opportunity may present itself later in the day :)
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
A Not-As-Long-As-I-Thought Run
Today was a long run! I went to my son's basketball games for the morning, dressed and ready for my run. Then while parked at the middle school, I started there and just ran through town. The weather was rainy and icky last night and this morning so I prepared to get wet. Thankfully I got a break in the weather throughout my run :)
Style/Workout: Long Run
Setting/Route: Outside...all over SeasideMileage: 8.86 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 8.86 today/58.02 this month/ 58.02 year-to-date (I'm really gunning for 60 miles this month!)
Like I said, the weather was great for the run. It was really wet out though and the sun reflecting off the ground was blinding at times. It was also slippery in places. But overall, it was great! Miles 2-3 were out at the Cove and the ocean was roaring! It really was an amazing sight.
When I got home I took an awesome shower (isn't it funny how GREAT post-long run showers feel?) and realized I needed to clip my toenails. Don't be grossed out, if you don't keep your toenails clipped somewhat short, you might loose them ;) I also wore my compression socks today.
So there ya go! Long run-done! Once my phone was charged again, I stopped my app and Tim Tebow still congratulated me even though I "had not met" my goal. He said something about "maybe letting me hold his Heisman"...such a hunk!
Friday, January 25, 2013
42 Minute Interval Run
Today was intervals. Originally it was on the schedule for yesterday (or the day before) and today was my long run day. But because my week has fallen apart and been insanely stressful, it did not work out to get a run in until today (which is unnerving!) So instead of banging out a long run, I did my interval work-out instead, because tomorrow is going to be a really great long run day. And since my weekend should be a bit more low-key (just tons of studying and a few basketball games), I should be able to get some sort of work-out in every day, either running or cross-training (my hubby went and got my bike fixed without telling me-yay!)
Style/Workout: 42 minute interval run
Setting/Route: My treadmill-intervals work super easy on the 'mill
Mileage: 4.46 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 4.46 today/49.16 this month/ 49.16 year-to-date (I'm really gunning for 60 miles this month!)
Grand Total:...4.46 miles today! :)
This run felt so awesome! I am thinking I could have run it a bit harder too...so next interval run I am thinking I will start at 8:20 and work my intervals up from there. I feel like I am ready! Man it just felt so awesome to run! I have had so many crazy stresses this week between nursing school, our son and his special needs' challenges (he's being evaluated for autism), all of my kids' extra-curricular activities and their schedules...I was sick earlier in the week and my oldest son turned 13! :_( It has just been "one of those weeks". Thank God for running, it sure gives me a place to let off all of that stress!
Style/Workout: 42 minute interval run
Setting/Route: My treadmill-intervals work super easy on the 'mill
Mileage: 4.46 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 4.46 today/49.16 this month/ 49.16 year-to-date (I'm really gunning for 60 miles this month!)
Grand Total:...4.46 miles today! :)
This run felt so awesome! I am thinking I could have run it a bit harder too...so next interval run I am thinking I will start at 8:20 and work my intervals up from there. I feel like I am ready! Man it just felt so awesome to run! I have had so many crazy stresses this week between nursing school, our son and his special needs' challenges (he's being evaluated for autism), all of my kids' extra-curricular activities and their schedules...I was sick earlier in the week and my oldest son turned 13! :_( It has just been "one of those weeks". Thank God for running, it sure gives me a place to let off all of that stress!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
...at 141.4! Woop!
With all of this running, the holiday weight is melting off! It feels so great! I think it helps being back into my school schedule too, because I pack my lunches and stay busy all day. I also try hard to drink lots of water! One area that I know is lagging behind is dinner. I have so little time and brain power to cook nutritious meals. I need to get back to the basics and start doing lots of healthy stir-fry dinners and varieties of salads. What we've been eating hasn't been bad, it's just been super-unthrilling :(
With all of this running, the holiday weight is melting off! It feels so great! I think it helps being back into my school schedule too, because I pack my lunches and stay busy all day. I also try hard to drink lots of water! One area that I know is lagging behind is dinner. I have so little time and brain power to cook nutritious meals. I need to get back to the basics and start doing lots of healthy stir-fry dinners and varieties of salads. What we've been eating hasn't been bad, it's just been super-unthrilling :(
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Easing Back to Tempo
Today's Workout...Tempo Run!
10:00, 10:00 pace-1
5:00, 9:40 pace-.51
5:00, 9:22 pace-.53
10:00, 9:05 pace-1.1
Grand total- 3.14 (or Pi...LOL, that's my math geek humor)
Style/Workout: 30 minute tempo run
Setting/Route: My treadmill, but at least it was warm inside
Mileage: 3.14 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 3.14 today/44.7 this month/ 44.7 year-to-date
Today's workout was a tempo run...or rather this was my workout I missed a few days' ago. It was either this or brutal intervals and I decided a tempo run would be the best way to ease myself back into running after the shock of having the flu. I can't say I had the worst flu ever, but any time your body goes through a viral infection, it is always a good idea to ease into any type of hard exercise with caution.
Immediately I noticed I was a tad bit dehydrated. Then about 15 minutes in a headache started. So I finished my workout with a new goal...hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. My head has still been foggy and somewhat dizzy at times and I'm pretty sure it all points to the fact that my hydration/electrolytes are probably all over the place. It is amazing the delicate balance of fluid/electrolytes and how it effects your equilibrium (inner ear/balance) and your ICP or intracranial pressure (in your skull!) Working on it!
All in all, I am proud of myself for getting out there! I was very tempted to hit the snooze button at 5:30am...but then I kept telling myself, "You won't regret getting down there and at least trying, but you WILL regret skipping out on it!"
10:00, 10:00 pace-1
5:00, 9:40 pace-.51
5:00, 9:22 pace-.53
10:00, 9:05 pace-1.1
Grand total- 3.14 (or Pi...LOL, that's my math geek humor)
Style/Workout: 30 minute tempo run
Setting/Route: My treadmill, but at least it was warm inside
Mileage: 3.14 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 3.14 today/44.7 this month/ 44.7 year-to-date
Today's workout was a tempo run...or rather this was my workout I missed a few days' ago. It was either this or brutal intervals and I decided a tempo run would be the best way to ease myself back into running after the shock of having the flu. I can't say I had the worst flu ever, but any time your body goes through a viral infection, it is always a good idea to ease into any type of hard exercise with caution.
Immediately I noticed I was a tad bit dehydrated. Then about 15 minutes in a headache started. So I finished my workout with a new goal...hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. My head has still been foggy and somewhat dizzy at times and I'm pretty sure it all points to the fact that my hydration/electrolytes are probably all over the place. It is amazing the delicate balance of fluid/electrolytes and how it effects your equilibrium (inner ear/balance) and your ICP or intracranial pressure (in your skull!) Working on it!
All in all, I am proud of myself for getting out there! I was very tempted to hit the snooze button at 5:30am...but then I kept telling myself, "You won't regret getting down there and at least trying, but you WILL regret skipping out on it!"
Monday, January 21, 2013
Taking It Easy
So I have not blogged in a few days for a reason! No I have not lost my motivation, no I am not hurt, but YES, I got sick! I got the flu and was out for the count all day Friday and a lot of Saturday. By Sunday (yesterday) I was up and at 'em again, but I'm taking it slow because I can tell my head is still a bit froggy and having an illness really beats your body up internally. So I want to make sure I am able to get my CBC w/WBC differential (that's the nursing student in me talking) counts up before I go nuts. Part of me feels bad that I went on that awesome long run when it was so cold and I wonder if I left my body susceptible to illness. Well you can't play that game. When to run or not to run, it is always best in my opinion, to run. So I will run tomorrow, but on the treadmill so I am inside.
*And just for schedule's sake, I only missed one run workout
*And just for schedule's sake, I only missed one run workout
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Looooooong Draining (in a good way) Run
I have really been looking forward to this day believe it or not. Long Run Day! I have had the most stressful week, starting last Tuesday, my first day of classes. I have had intensive classes, clinicals, studying and then I was volunteered all weekend. Yes, you read that right, I was volunteered, I did not voluntarily volunteer to burn my whole weekend away. All of our nursing classes were signed up to work at a health fair, and while it was interesting, it was overkill and it was exhausting! I did get Friday off, which was my long run last week. At this point, I needed my long run. I just needed to pour out all of the week's stresses and empty my brain.
Style/Workout: 75 minute long run (I shortened it by 5 minutes)
Setting/Route: A sunny tour of the city of Seaside
Mileage: 7.81 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 7.81 today/41.56 this month/ 41.56 year-to-date
Let's see if I can give a run-down on the run today...the first mile I really wanted to fly. My legs felt light and fast and I ended up pulling an 8:55. So it was tough to pace myself and took a mile or two to find a cadence and breathing rhythm. I am so glad I did though, I would have really hit a wall early on. The following miles varied +/- 15-45 seconds. I did end the last mile with a negative split so that's good.
Since it was a long run, I reversed my typical route and took a few side streets and such that were new to me. The roads were still icy in places even though I waited a while after the sun rose to see if they would melt. My legs felt good, my left ankle started to ache toward the end, but it feels pretty good now. Otherwise, I just had a few air bubbles that showed up in my GI system around miles 5-6 but they weren't side aches so I'm happy.
I have not really been happy with my app. It is so bland and boring. It doesn't give me hardly any feedback or personal information about each run. So today I sidestepped it. I opened up what my workout was for today, then used that info and plugged it into my Nike + GPS app and used that instead. I'm so glad I did. I love the little personal touches the Nike + GPS app has...from the mapping of my route and my pace splits (including whether they were negative or positive) to the weather and my own judgements about how it all felt. Then there is always the big-name athletes who cheer you on...you can't beat that! Sonja Richards Ross thought I did awesome today :)
The last thing I will admit is that this run rocked my body. I feel like I ran a half marathon today I am so exhausted! The good thing is that I have a few hours that I can just rest and I'm planning on taking a much-needed nap as soon as I press Publish for this Post
Style/Workout: 75 minute long run (I shortened it by 5 minutes)
Setting/Route: A sunny tour of the city of Seaside
Mileage: 7.81 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 7.81 today/41.56 this month/ 41.56 year-to-date
I <3 Nike + GPS |
Since it was a long run, I reversed my typical route and took a few side streets and such that were new to me. The roads were still icy in places even though I waited a while after the sun rose to see if they would melt. My legs felt good, my left ankle started to ache toward the end, but it feels pretty good now. Otherwise, I just had a few air bubbles that showed up in my GI system around miles 5-6 but they weren't side aches so I'm happy.
I have not really been happy with my app. It is so bland and boring. It doesn't give me hardly any feedback or personal information about each run. So today I sidestepped it. I opened up what my workout was for today, then used that info and plugged it into my Nike + GPS app and used that instead. I'm so glad I did. I love the little personal touches the Nike + GPS app has...from the mapping of my route and my pace splits (including whether they were negative or positive) to the weather and my own judgements about how it all felt. Then there is always the big-name athletes who cheer you on...you can't beat that! Sonja Richards Ross thought I did awesome today :)
Gives me route, pacing, mileage, weather (with a sunshine), and the time my run began. |
The last thing I will admit is that this run rocked my body. I feel like I ran a half marathon today I am so exhausted! The good thing is that I have a few hours that I can just rest and I'm planning on taking a much-needed nap as soon as I press Publish for this Post
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Style/Workout: 33 minute intervals
Setting/Route: Treadmill-5:45am!
Mileage: 3.48 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 3.48 today/33.75 this month/ 33.75 year-to-date
Today was a new workout! I got up early again 5:30 am, and kind of did my own version of a warm-up. The app allots 5 minutes, but I don't think that is enough. So I just get going, then when I'm just about warmed up, I start the app and do their warm-up and complete my work-out. It's important to listen to your body! It started with 6 minutes easy pace (10:00) then 3 sections of 3 minutes "pushing it" pace (8:30, 8:15, 8:00 respectively). I cooled down with 5 minutes walking then did some stretching and yoga poses.
Speaking of my body, I have been noticing a a very slight, hardly noticeable tweak in my left side, kind a combo of sciatic nerve pain and IT band. I have been doing lots of rolling and that has really helped!
I'm so whooped from school I am sorry my post is so dry, I really don't have the energy to be clever or creative!
Setting/Route: Treadmill-5:45am!
Mileage: 3.48 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 3.48 today/33.75 this month/ 33.75 year-to-date
Today was a new workout! I got up early again 5:30 am, and kind of did my own version of a warm-up. The app allots 5 minutes, but I don't think that is enough. So I just get going, then when I'm just about warmed up, I start the app and do their warm-up and complete my work-out. It's important to listen to your body! It started with 6 minutes easy pace (10:00) then 3 sections of 3 minutes "pushing it" pace (8:30, 8:15, 8:00 respectively). I cooled down with 5 minutes walking then did some stretching and yoga poses.
Speaking of my body, I have been noticing a a very slight, hardly noticeable tweak in my left side, kind a combo of sciatic nerve pain and IT band. I have been doing lots of rolling and that has really helped!
I'm so whooped from school I am sorry my post is so dry, I really don't have the energy to be clever or creative!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Quickie Post
I have all of 15 minutes to log my run from yesterday. I love logging my runs, so it's weird when I don't get to it. When I log it, it's like proof that it happened! Credit where credit is due! But I have swim team practice to get to so here goes:
Style/Workout: 40 minute easy run
Setting/Route: Treadmill-5:45am!
Mileage: 4.2 miles, 9:30 pace
Progress: (running mileage): 4.2 today/30.27 this month/ 30.27 year-to-date
I love watching those numbers (mileage) climb! Sunday I was still on the list to volunteer but instead of having to be at the health fair at 7am, I had to be there at 8:30, which means I had some time to squeeze in an early morning run! Good thing I did too, I was so tired after my long weekend and would not have gotten it in later in the day. That is one thing I love about early morning runs...you get it out of the way...you start your day right. I can start my day with a run, but I cannot end it with one. I'd be too wired and have to go to bed with a wet head :-(
On a side-note, I have lost 2 pounds in the 9 days since I weighed myself last!
And lastly, I followed along with a few folks who ran the Walt Disney World Marathon last weekend. Man, I am jealous! I love those runDisney races! Since 2011, I have ran one every year but I'm not sure if I will be able to squeeze one in this year. I kind of like to try a new one each year too. There is the Tinkerbell Half Marathon next month at Disneyland (no-go, too last minute) and at Disneyworld there is the Tower of Terror 10-Miler in Oct, then the Wine and Dine Half Marathon night race in November. I honestly don't think I'll make it down there to run it, especially with school keeping me so uber-busy. However, it is always nice to dream :)
Style/Workout: 40 minute easy run
Setting/Route: Treadmill-5:45am!
Mileage: 4.2 miles, 9:30 pace
Progress: (running mileage): 4.2 today/30.27 this month/ 30.27 year-to-date
I love watching those numbers (mileage) climb! Sunday I was still on the list to volunteer but instead of having to be at the health fair at 7am, I had to be there at 8:30, which means I had some time to squeeze in an early morning run! Good thing I did too, I was so tired after my long weekend and would not have gotten it in later in the day. That is one thing I love about early morning runs...you get it out of the way...you start your day right. I can start my day with a run, but I cannot end it with one. I'd be too wired and have to go to bed with a wet head :-(
On a side-note, I have lost 2 pounds in the 9 days since I weighed myself last!
And lastly, I followed along with a few folks who ran the Walt Disney World Marathon last weekend. Man, I am jealous! I love those runDisney races! Since 2011, I have ran one every year but I'm not sure if I will be able to squeeze one in this year. I kind of like to try a new one each year too. There is the Tinkerbell Half Marathon next month at Disneyland (no-go, too last minute) and at Disneyworld there is the Tower of Terror 10-Miler in Oct, then the Wine and Dine Half Marathon night race in November. I honestly don't think I'll make it down there to run it, especially with school keeping me so uber-busy. However, it is always nice to dream :)
Friday, January 11, 2013
Longest Yet...with Sunsplashed Goodness
Obligatory "Great Weather" photo...the ocean was roaring! |
Frosty Beach! |
The danger with an icy run is of course, the ice! I am sure I slowed my pace often in an effort to be super vigilant of the slippery ground. And there were a few times that I had no choice but to slip my way up a hill or whatnot, which is like taking two steps forward, one step back. LOL!
Style/Workout: ~60 minute long run/5.66 miles
Setting/Route: Prom/Cove Neighborhoods and Downtown
Mileage: 5.66 miles
Progress: (running mileage): 5.66 today/26.07 this month/ 26.07 year-to-date
Today has just been a great day. I woke up early because I had a clinical scheduled that I needed to drive to once I got everyone ready for the day and out of the house. At 7am I got a text from my concerned instructor that there was a lot of ice on the roads and today's clinical was to be rescheduled for Monday. At first I was exasperated because I had got up early and I was all ready to go. I even packed a "running bag" today just in case we got out early and I could sneak my run in on the way home. But then I stopped and noticed the horizon of the mountains out my front window and I smiled. It's going to be sunny and I'm going for a run... :)
I have just been working so insanely hard this week. I found out yesterday that I lost who has essentially become my nursing school partner...my friend who I carpool and do projects with, text random stuff to and who I have gotten to know quite well since school started. I'm sad about it. Today was going to be our first clinical day without her. This impromptu day off instead was exactly what I needed.
A good morning to myself has been so refreshing! I went for this long run, made my favorite chocolate protein smoothie, took a nice hot shower, did some stretching and rolling and now I'm dressed and fully ready to study (can't take the whole day off!). If I had my way, I would head to the chiropractor, then go get a pedicure. But alas, there will be other days. I am just thankful for what I have been able to do today!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Yoga on my mind
Today is an "off" day for me, but in the best interest of marathon training, I need to do a bit more than just running. Yoga has always been a good cross-training exercise for me (as has spinning and swimming). I have really been craving some good yoga so I went into the podcast app I have and downloaded a few sessions. They are mostly 20 minutes so I can totally do that, right?
I didn't get up early this morning like I wanted to. I was wiped out! So I slept up until my alarm went off then got the kids up and the day began. I really want to get some yoga in. I would also love to grab a kickboard and swim some laps while my son has swim team, but open swim is not the same time and I always have our youngest son with me.
I'm sure I'll figure it out, I'm just going to have to get creative...as usual. :)
I didn't get up early this morning like I wanted to. I was wiped out! So I slept up until my alarm went off then got the kids up and the day began. I really want to get some yoga in. I would also love to grab a kickboard and swim some laps while my son has swim team, but open swim is not the same time and I always have our youngest son with me.
I'm sure I'll figure it out, I'm just going to have to get creative...as usual. :)
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Dark O'Clock Run
Yesterday I discovered two things:
First, Tuesday runs are pretty much out of the question. With lectures from 9am-4pm, I am just wiped. It won't work to run after school because it is just too late. I will either be racing home to savor the last few hours of the day with my family, or I will be heading over to the library for study time til it closes at 8 o'clock.
Second, if I want to keep my motivation high and if I want to achieve my goals, I will have days where I'm just going to have to get up early. I guess Tuesday could be one of those days as well, but I'm letting myself off the hook that day just because I know what it entails.
So because last night was Tuesday and I didn't get home until way past my run time, I promised myself I would make up for it by getting up early and running on the treadmill this morning. So I set my alarm for 5:54 (something about setting the alarm a handful of minutes before the time I need to get up "tricks" my brain and I feel better about it for some reason). Well at 5:15 I woke up! My body was up and ready! So I took advantage and got up, made some coffee and ate a few bites of something before I started my run. I want to say I started around 5:45 but I'm not sure. Either way, I was done and upstairs by 6:30 which is not bad at all! It was right on time to start waking the kids up for school.
Style/Workout: 35 minute tempo run (started at 6mph, adding .2 mph every 5 minutes. Last 5 minutes was about 8mph I believe).
Setting/Route: Treadmill
Mileage: 4.3 miles
My thoughts: This run was great. I just loaded some more music on my iPod which was awesome. Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" was quite approriate! Accelerating felt good, but the last 10 minutes was really hard. I had to catch my breath twice and it really made me focus and work hard. I also took a bathroom break at 10 minutes.
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total): 4.3 today/20.41 year-to-date
Today I felt great after starting my day running. I stayed alert during my lectures when usually I'm getting drowsy. I just felt "on" today after such a great start.
It makes me feel good that so far I am keeping my life in balance. It's a challenge! Without my husband I don't think it would be possible either. He really lends a hand and gets involved wherever is needed.
Ok off to pick up one son from swim team and bring the other his basketball shoes for his practice! Then AWANA tonight (and study time for me)!
First, Tuesday runs are pretty much out of the question. With lectures from 9am-4pm, I am just wiped. It won't work to run after school because it is just too late. I will either be racing home to savor the last few hours of the day with my family, or I will be heading over to the library for study time til it closes at 8 o'clock.
Second, if I want to keep my motivation high and if I want to achieve my goals, I will have days where I'm just going to have to get up early. I guess Tuesday could be one of those days as well, but I'm letting myself off the hook that day just because I know what it entails.
So because last night was Tuesday and I didn't get home until way past my run time, I promised myself I would make up for it by getting up early and running on the treadmill this morning. So I set my alarm for 5:54 (something about setting the alarm a handful of minutes before the time I need to get up "tricks" my brain and I feel better about it for some reason). Well at 5:15 I woke up! My body was up and ready! So I took advantage and got up, made some coffee and ate a few bites of something before I started my run. I want to say I started around 5:45 but I'm not sure. Either way, I was done and upstairs by 6:30 which is not bad at all! It was right on time to start waking the kids up for school.
Style/Workout: 35 minute tempo run (started at 6mph, adding .2 mph every 5 minutes. Last 5 minutes was about 8mph I believe).
Setting/Route: Treadmill
Mileage: 4.3 miles
My thoughts: This run was great. I just loaded some more music on my iPod which was awesome. Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" was quite approriate! Accelerating felt good, but the last 10 minutes was really hard. I had to catch my breath twice and it really made me focus and work hard. I also took a bathroom break at 10 minutes.
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total): 4.3 today/20.41 year-to-date
Today I felt great after starting my day running. I stayed alert during my lectures when usually I'm getting drowsy. I just felt "on" today after such a great start.
It makes me feel good that so far I am keeping my life in balance. It's a challenge! Without my husband I don't think it would be possible either. He really lends a hand and gets involved wherever is needed.
Ok off to pick up one son from swim team and bring the other his basketball shoes for his practice! Then AWANA tonight (and study time for me)!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Personal Running Trainer App
Here is what my training plan app looks like:
I like its simplicity. It is easy to use. I know there are fancier apps out there and lots of training plans you can choose from. This one doesn't change much from workout to workout. So far you get the prompt to start a warm-up walk, a prompt when it's time to run, then a halfway mark, then the voice telling you you have completed your run, and then a 5 minute cool down. Then you see this:
I'm curious if as the runs get longer, there might be a few more prompts than simply being halfway. I would really appreciate if I heard quarters or something when I am running for hours on end.
You are also given a brief description of how you are supposed to run your workout (tempo= start slow and gradually increase your pace up til the end). The app does not track your pace or your route via GPS or anything like that :( I miss that from my Nike+GPS app.
That being said, the app isn't super exciting. But I'm going to stick it out because I purchased it, already know the schedule and have it all mapped out. I will just have to keep things fresh with my music playlist. Next time I can try a different one.
I like its simplicity. It is easy to use. I know there are fancier apps out there and lots of training plans you can choose from. This one doesn't change much from workout to workout. So far you get the prompt to start a warm-up walk, a prompt when it's time to run, then a halfway mark, then the voice telling you you have completed your run, and then a 5 minute cool down. Then you see this:
I'm curious if as the runs get longer, there might be a few more prompts than simply being halfway. I would really appreciate if I heard quarters or something when I am running for hours on end.
You are also given a brief description of how you are supposed to run your workout (tempo= start slow and gradually increase your pace up til the end). The app does not track your pace or your route via GPS or anything like that :( I miss that from my Nike+GPS app.
That being said, the app isn't super exciting. But I'm going to stick it out because I purchased it, already know the schedule and have it all mapped out. I will just have to keep things fresh with my music playlist. Next time I can try a different one.
The Bling
This is one reason I run...THE BLING!! I love my medals. They are representative of the blood, sweat, tears and time I have invested into every single race I have ran. I love them because they are shiny and beautiful, but I love them because they are EARNED. I have ran quite a few races but I just have 5, because in my experience medals are only given out for longer, tougher races, or if you were in the top 3 or something of a shorter race (which I have never been!).
I display my medals on the same shelf as everyone else displays their special things. It's not a special running-only shelf, it includes lots of things...from Caleb's cross country accomplishments, to Aaron's 1st place Halloween Costume ribbon. Samuel has one for participation that he was mad wasn't blue, red or white, but I hang it proudly because like all of the others, he EARNED it. :)
Which one is my favorite? Well I couldn't choose! I love them all for different reasons. Eugene was my first half marathon, Warrior Dash was a super fun experience, The Princess Half I ran with Ben, the Rock n Roll was the inaugural running of that race, and the Disneyland Half was pure fun and joy!
I display my medals on the same shelf as everyone else displays their special things. It's not a special running-only shelf, it includes lots of things...from Caleb's cross country accomplishments, to Aaron's 1st place Halloween Costume ribbon. Samuel has one for participation that he was mad wasn't blue, red or white, but I hang it proudly because like all of the others, he EARNED it. :)
Our family display shelf |
These are just mine. I have 5: Eugene Half '10, Princess Half '11, Warrior Dash '11, Rock n Roll Portland '12 and Disneyland '12. I hope to add a few this year! |
The Weather Cannot Get Me Down!!
Here is my weather today. Yuck! The picture does not show the sideways rain. So...that being said I was not going to let the weather get me down!
I tried to cheer up the photo on Instragram just for kicks |
Style/Workout: 35 minutes, comfortable pace
Setting/Route: Treadmill
Mileage: 4.3 miles
My thoughts: The run felt great! I spent a significant amount of time paying attention to my form, footstrike and cadence (not that there is much else to do on the treadmill-haha). I sweat like crazy on the treadmill but it felt great! I had to take a quick break 10 minutes in to use the bathroom.
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total): 4.3 today/16.11 year-to-date
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Beach Note
Today I bundled up my boys and grabbed our little dog's leash and we went outside for a bit. The weather is still as dreary and overcast as ever but I made myself do it. I always feel better when I have gotten outside. We ended up walking on the beach some which was really relaxing and enjoyable.
While we were out there I saw two runners. It really inspired me and tomorrow's run will be out there on the beach. I always enjoy it but it is surprising how little I run on the beach. I guess that is good. It would lose its luster otherwise.
While we were out there I saw two runners. It really inspired me and tomorrow's run will be out there on the beach. I always enjoy it but it is surprising how little I run on the beach. I guess that is good. It would lose its luster otherwise.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Simple Log
Style/Workout: 40 minutes, comfortable pace
Setting/Route: Holladay, SHS track
Mileage: 4.15 miles
My thoughts: I'm tired today. I drank a mixed drink last night and ate like crap. I haven't been drinking enough water. Plus this is about the time when I am working back into it that I hit a run where I slog along and just feel tired and worn out. My left ankle and knee were feeling it a bit and I'll be wearing my compression socks the rest of today and doing lots of stretching and rolling.
My app did something weird. The workout screen was not typical, and wasn't showing my time/duration so I couldn't gauge where I was supposed to be at what time, etc. I estimated that I would do 2 1/2 miles on the track then some street to and from and I knew that would be roughly 4 miles which was enough for the 40 minutes I needed to run today. So when I got to my "finish line" and still had 15 minutes left I was quite puzzled (6:15 pace? I don't think so). I was right on with my estimation for distance at least. I'm pretty sure I accidentally paused my workout time! Woops!
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total): 4.15 today/11.81 year-to-date
My last words...I wish the sun would shine. It's such a bummer :( Sorry I'm such a downer!
Setting/Route: Holladay, SHS track
Mileage: 4.15 miles
My thoughts: I'm tired today. I drank a mixed drink last night and ate like crap. I haven't been drinking enough water. Plus this is about the time when I am working back into it that I hit a run where I slog along and just feel tired and worn out. My left ankle and knee were feeling it a bit and I'll be wearing my compression socks the rest of today and doing lots of stretching and rolling.
My app did something weird. The workout screen was not typical, and wasn't showing my time/duration so I couldn't gauge where I was supposed to be at what time, etc. I estimated that I would do 2 1/2 miles on the track then some street to and from and I knew that would be roughly 4 miles which was enough for the 40 minutes I needed to run today. So when I got to my "finish line" and still had 15 minutes left I was quite puzzled (6:15 pace? I don't think so). I was right on with my estimation for distance at least. I'm pretty sure I accidentally paused my workout time! Woops!
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total): 4.15 today/11.81 year-to-date
My last words...I wish the sun would shine. It's such a bummer :( Sorry I'm such a downer!
Not my town, but you get the feel...socked in and dark all day long! |
Friday, January 4, 2013
Total Suckfest-Weight Gain
Seven!! 7!!! I have gained 7 pounds! I am so not happy about that! My goal weight really is about 135, but since I hover around 138 I keep that my "normal" weight. Well enough is enough! I just weighed in at 145.2, which is a bunch of crap! So I am actually 10 pounds over my goal weight...*sigh* I hate getting older. I hate how blah I feel this time of year. I hate holiday eating! Ok, now that I have gotten that out of the way...
*Drink more water!
*Re-enstating My Fitness Pal
*Keep up the good work with running!
*Weigh in each week
Re-evaluate goals in 6 weeks...
*Drink more water!
*Re-enstating My Fitness Pal
*Keep up the good work with running!
*Weigh in each week
Re-evaluate goals in 6 weeks...
Thursday, January 3, 2013
4 Miles of Sunrise Bliss
Now how could you not want to go for a run in this beautiful sunshine?
The river by our house |
The beach near our house |
This morning was my kids' first day back to school after the Christmas break. It was great for so many reasons.
First, after being lazy and sleeping in for weeks, it was actually great to get up early. I have never considered myself a "morning person" but I do enjoy getting a jump on the day (once I've had a cup of good coffee).
The second thing that was awesome was the pace of the morning. After the kids were on the bus, I was able to grab a bit of breakfast, do some dishes and get dressed, then I was out for my run at 7:50. I wanted to catch the sun as it was rising above the mountains in the horizon. As it rose, the morning evolved into something beautiful. It was lovely.
The third great thing was my run itself. Today's run felt relaxed and smooth. I have been pleasantly surprised actually, at how relatively easy it has been to start back running regularly. I don't claim to be in such great shape that I did not lose my endurance because I have. But I think I have gotten smarter about how to start most effectively (again, thank you Jeff Galloway).
Style/Workout: 40 minutes, Tempo run
Setting/Route: The Prom, The Cove
Mileage: 4.66 miles (longer than I thought!)
My thoughts: See above
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total): 4.66 today/7.66 year-to-date
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Starting 2013 with 3!
I thought maybe for the new year, I would use a different template...
My thoughts:
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total)
I think this simplified version will be easy to follow, plus it gives me more flexibility to just chit chat about my run.
So today:
Style: Tempo Run
Setting: Treadmill
Mileage: 3 miles
My thoughts: This run went well! I started around 10:45 pace and slowly progressed until I was somewhere around 9:00 at the end. It was a really good start! It was cooooooold outside today with frost everywhere so I chose the treadmill solely for safety reasons! This run felt good, but felt a little weird. It was like I had "restless legs" the whole time which was a bit unsettling. But I just stuck with it mentally and made it through. I really need to make some signs to hang on the wall by my treadmill. Sayings like, "Don't Ever Quit" and "Make It Count" would help me a lot I think!
Progress: 3 miles/3 miles
My thoughts:
Progress: (running mileage this month/year total)
I think this simplified version will be easy to follow, plus it gives me more flexibility to just chit chat about my run.
So today:
Style: Tempo Run
Setting: Treadmill
Mileage: 3 miles
My thoughts: This run went well! I started around 10:45 pace and slowly progressed until I was somewhere around 9:00 at the end. It was a really good start! It was cooooooold outside today with frost everywhere so I chose the treadmill solely for safety reasons! This run felt good, but felt a little weird. It was like I had "restless legs" the whole time which was a bit unsettling. But I just stuck with it mentally and made it through. I really need to make some signs to hang on the wall by my treadmill. Sayings like, "Don't Ever Quit" and "Make It Count" would help me a lot I think!
Progress: 3 miles/3 miles
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